
East Ravendale C of E Primary School

Making memories

School Council

School Council 2022-2023


This year we have 7 council members:


Y6 - Oliver, Jasmine E, Jasmine R

Y5 - Ronnie

Y4 - Oscar

Y3 - Miles

Y2 - Isaac


The council meets every fortnight with Miss Wilson to discuss what has gone well and to talk about any issues which have arisen through discussion with their classes. The school council aims to make our school as good as it can be. 


Town Hall Visit with Cllr David Hasthorpe

The School Council were delighted to be invited to visit the Town Hall. Our Ward Councillor - David Hasthorpe - invited the council to meet with him at Grimsby Town Hall. We visited the Council Chambers, Time Trap Museum and were even interviewed by the local media as we looked around a local history exhibition. The children all thoroughly enjoyed the day, gaining more insight into the workings of a democratic council. We saw some amazing artefacts, including the ceremonial mace which is over 450 years old!

Harvest Festival Donations - The Rock Foundation


Oliver, Jasmine R and Ronnie helped to deliver the donations from our Harvest Festival on Thursday 6th October. The children wanted to donate the goods to The Rock Foundation, who provide food and meals through 3 local foodbanks, to the most vulnerable in our area. They were extremely pleased to receive such a wonderful haul.
