
East Ravendale C of E Primary School

Making memories

Class 4 - Badgers Y5/6

Welcome to Badgers Class!

Hello and welcome to Badgers class at East Ravendale Primary School! We are an enthusiastic, resilient class who put 100% effort into everything we do and we are all super excited to meet you. Our class Teacher is Mr Brown, our lovely Teaching Assistant is the wonderful Mrs Barnes-Browne and we have 33 in our class! 

We do a wide variety of fun and engaging lessons (usually involving creating a lot of mess!) and we would love to tell you all about what we have learnt. 

This year we will be covering Crime and Punishment, Maps, Time, Fair Trade, the Industrial Revolution and the Mayans!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message Mr Brown on class dojo and he will be happy to respond :) 
