Making memories
East Ravendale CE Primary School is fully committed to the protection and nurturing of all our pupils and in creating an inclusive, safe and secure environment in which they can develop into responsible, confident, self-aware, capable young people who are well equipped to cope with the challenges ahead of them.
Our Pastoral Lead is Mrs Barnes-Browne. Mrs Barnes-Browne provides pastoral support and guidance to all our children, promoting their well being by liaising with parents/guardians, school staff, and external agencies. Children are encouraged to approach Mrs Barnes-Browne at any time if they feel in need of her support. Mrs Barnes-Browne works with individuals or groups of children to give them the very best possible care, removing barriers to learning, raising aspirations, and supporting every child in achieving their potential.
If you are concerned about your child, please speak with Mrs Barnes-Browne. We can support your child, in school, through a range of issues including mental well-being, friendship issues, family support, anxiety and so on. As a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) Mrs Barnes-Browne is able to offer bespoke sessions, fully resourced, to support your child through a variety of issues or difficulties. We also offer other interventions such as Lego Therapy, Talkabout and Anger Monster. Class teachers and support staff work together to ensure that any concerns about a child are passed to the Safeguarding and Pastoral Leads; they liaise with parents and outside agencies, where necessary, in order to ensure that children get the support they need.
Please see below for links to helpful and informative websites.