Making memories
Collective worship is an integral part of daily life at our school; we believe that this is an important time for us to come together, to reflect and join our voices in song and prayer. Collective worship enables pupils to learn about important figures and events from the Bible, explore themes from across a range of religions and consider how events now, and in the past, impact on our lives. Children are encouraged to participate in all aspects of collective worship, no matter their age.
iSingPop is used in each class as an addition to daily worship. Through this interactive and engaging resource children reflect on weekly themes and key messages from Christianity.
During class-based worship each child explores the world through 'Lyfta Time'. Lyfta storyworlds help to transport the children into another world, learning about different cultures, faiths and a range of other subjects.
Day | Theme | Led by |
Monday | Weekly theme | Miss Wilson |
Tuesday | Lyfta Time
| Class Teachers |
Wednesday | Singing Worship | Mrs Farr |
Thursday | The Word of God | Mrs Farr |
Friday | Celebration | Miss Wilson/Mrs Farr |
We celebrated Interfaith Day on Wednesday 13th November across both Wrawby St Mary's and East Ravendale CE Primary School. We started the day with shared worship online, thinking about why it is important to have a mutual respect and understanding of people of different faiths. The children then enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the day - church visits, designing stained glass windows, designing and planning a shared worship space and much more. The day ended with shared worship again where we shared our experiences of the day and thought about what the world is like in terms of diversity and opportunity for all. We looked at 'if the world were a village of 100 people' and were amazed by some of the facts we found.
Year 6 pupils all went to Lincoln Cathedral, joining 16 other church schools across the diocese for the annual Church Schools' Festival. In the morning they enjoyed a range of activities: a Cathedral tour, an art activity based around the story of Moses and the Burning Bush and a choral workshop led by iSing Pop.
Throughout the day the children lived out our values:
WONDER - at the amazing building and reflecting on their life through primary school
BELIEF - an emotional moment when we lit a candle in St Hugh's chapel and sung our school prayer. We shared the belief that we are all valued as God's children, we were all important and there together as a church school family
JOY - lifting the roof with our renditions of some wonderful iSing Pop classics. We celebrated in our time together through primary school, and the successes we have shared in.
The School Choir visited Lincoln Cathedral for the annual Church Schools' Carol Service. They spent the morning with the choirmaster learning new carols to perform as a group before joining over 300 pupils from across the diocese in a service. Grace, Poppy and Evita each read from scripture during the service and the whole choir joined in chorus with the other schools, staff and visiting families in an uplifting and glorious Carol service.