Making memories
Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust (LAAT) is a Multi-Academy Trust set up by the Diocese of Lincoln in 2013 to build a mutually supportive family of academies in Greater Lincolnshire. We work together to provide the very best outcomes for all pupils in all of the schools. Today, the Trust is home to 23 schools in Lincolnshire and continues to grow.
The development of education as a lever for improving social mobility and outcomes for all children is at the heart of our Trust’s Education offer. With a strong central Education Team of experienced school leaders with core specialisms, LAAT is able to support, nurture and enrich the offer within our school so that all children benefit. This support is included as part of the offer for all schools at no additional charge.
Whether outcomes and curriculum are excellent or need improving, LAAT, not only has the central expertise to support us, but more importantly, it has the collective strength of all educators within LAAT schools. As well as the central School Development Advisers, the Trust has a team of internal experts based in schools who work as Specialist Subject Advisers and Associate Leads, working directly with individual schools, hubs and through central CPD, to help achieve this.
As Trust schools, we also work with strategic external partners such as LEAD, The English Hub, Read Write Inc., the Geographical Association and STEM to enrich our offer and to ensure that the support for education is strong.
LAAT is proud of its primary outcomes, many of which are above the national average and where they are not, the gap is narrowing significantly and more rapidly than the national picture.
LAAT is dedicated to giving its staff top-notch training opportunities that boost their skills, inspire creativity, and lead to better outcomes for the students we serve. running around 80 different CPD training events for staff each year
The Trust also actively supports our employees who want to pursue professional qualifications, such as the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH), which is designed to develop the leadership skills and behaviours needed to be an effective and high-performing headteacher or head of school or apprenticeships across the workforce.
Thanks to the LAAT central team we can access a wealth of support services that allow our school’s leadership team to focus on teaching and improving child outcomes, including:
LAAT provides us with unlimited education support – which includes access to 3 Education Development Advisers, a Trust Headteacher to provide additional support as required and a number of associate advisers and subject leads.
Schools that join LAAT can also feel the care and support that comes from being part of a larger family of schools that share the same principles and values. And like all families we are there for each other during difficult times.
“We genuinely believe that together we can do so much more than we can do alone” Jackie Waters-Dewhurst, LAAT CEO