
East Ravendale C of E Primary School

Making memories

Class 3 - Foxes Y3/4

Welcome to Foxes class 2023 - 2024!

Welcome to Foxes class 2023 - 2024!


We are a class of thirty-two pupils and a mixture of years three and four. Our class teacher is Mrs Woadden and our class teaching assistant is Mrs Meikle.

We are a friendly and welcoming class and we love to learn new things and explore our understanding of the world around us.

We love all things words, especially stories and learning a new word each day. Our class vocabulary is particularly impressive!


Our classroom environment always aims to be welcoming, calm and productive. We endeavour to do our best and we love to celebrate our different skills and talents. Each day, we enjoy circle time where we individually have the chance to share how we are feeling and any exciting news, worries or concerns. 


In Foxes, we are a class family and we support each other to be our best selves.


What are we learning this half term? Summer 2 - The Victorians

Summer 2 - Home learning - The Victorians

Summer 2 Home learning - The Victorians

Summer 2 - The Victorians learning overview

Our learning from earlier this year:
